Dental Implants in Thane
Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screw like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that usually require replacement in couple of years.
How dental implant surgery is performed depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone. Dental implant surgery may involve several procedures such as bone graft, sinus lift, bone augmentation etc.
The major benefit of implants is solid support for your new teeth — a process that requires the bone to heal tightly around the implant. Because this bone healing requires time, the process can take up to 5 months.

Affordable Cost Dental Implants in Thane
Dental implants are the next best after the natural tooth to simulate the structure and function of natural teeth. The only alternatives to restoring missing teeth are bridges and dentures (partial or complete). Dentures need to be replaced after every 3 years. Dental bridges involve reduction of healthy teeth adjacent to the missing tooth to provide support to the bridge.
You can read more about dental bridges and their shortcomings here.
The cost of the dental bridge is initially less, but it may need to be replaced at some point in the future. Implants – from preparation to final placement – may seem more expensive, but over time can be more cost-effective. Dental implants are far better in cost, time, and effort in the long run. You also avoid repeated appointments to the dentist to repair and redo dental work.
You can find in depth details about the cost of dental implant treatment and offers we provide to our patients through our Dental Health Plan.
Multiple Teeth Replacement with implants:
When you’re missing several teeth, you have the option of replacing them with a removable partial denture, individual implant supported crowns or implant supported bridges.
Depending on the situation, we may recommend that a dental implant be placed to replace each missing tooth. This allows the teeth to function naturally as individual units or be connected together for increased strength.
Our treatment plans are always customized to your specific needs and are based on a number of factors including your jaw strength, bite, number of missing teeth, and bone quality, to name a few.

Sometimes, an implant to replace every missing tooth is not needed or even possible. In these situations, an implant supported bridge may be recommended. An implant supported bridge is a structure similar to a traditional dental bridge, with the exception that it is supported by implants rather than natural teeth.
It is generally accepted that two implants can hold a three-tooth bridge, three implants can hold a four or five tooth bridge and four to eight implants are required to hold longer bridges or full-arch bridges. An example of an implant supported bridge is depicted in the pictures below.

Single tooth replacement
A dental implant provides several advantages over other tooth replacement options. In addition to looking and functioning like a natural tooth, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighboring teeth.
The other common treatment for the loss of a single tooth, a tooth-supported fixed bridge, requires that adjacent teeth be ground down to support the cemented bridge.
Because a dental implant will replace your tooth root, the bone is better preserved. With a bridge, some of the bone that previously surrounded the tooth begins to resorb (deteriorate). Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact. The cost for single tooth dental implant varies between Rs. 35k-75k. There maybe additional expenses depending on requirement of bone graft material and/or additional surgical procedures such as bone augmentation or sinus lift surgery. You can check out our Dental Health Plan for discounts on dental implants.
In the long term, a single implant can be more aesthetic and easier to keep clean than a bridge. Gums can recede around a bridge, leaving a visible defect when the metal base or collar of the bridge becomes exposed. Resorbed bone beneath the bridge can lead to an unattractive smile. And, the cement holding the bridge in place can wash out, allowing bacteria to decay the teeth that anchor the bridge. You can find more about that in my previous blog implant vs bridge.

Full jaw implants - Full Mouth Dental Implants
Sometimes people lose several teeth and have other teeth in non-restorable condition. It is mostly due to age but could also be due to poor dental health. In such cases, complete rehabilitation can be done with multiple dental implants for fixed prosthesis.
Dentures is another option, but stability and retention can be an issue as it is a removable prosthesis. It is a natural process by which there will be a continuous bone loss over a period of time. The removable denture will be unstable in the foreseeable future. With dental implants this process of bone loss is arrested and the implants along with the prosthetic appliance i.e Dentures will remain stable.
If you are missing many teeth and beginning to look into dental implants as a tooth replacement option, the “All On 4” and “All On 6” procedures is one of the best alternatives. The good news is that these treatments are very similar and look to achieve the same results but do have some key differences that could make a dentist recommend one procedure over the other.
All on 4 Dental implants:

The Cost Of An All-On-4 Dental Implant
The cost of All-On-4 dental implants can vary depending on the material used and how many crowns you need.
Acrylic Or Composite All-On-4 Dental Implants
The standard All-On-4 option involves using an acrylic denture built around a titanium framework. For this type of denture, it can cost between 3 – 4 lac INR per arch. Your costs might go further up if you choose to divide your treatment over multiple dental practices.
Porcelain All-On-4 Dental Implants
Crowns made of E max Zirconia are more realistic and natural looking and will last longer than acrylic, but these types may be an additional 75,000 – 1Lakh INR per jaw. Although this increases your costs, this is the closest you can get to having the most natural and aesthetic looking smile.
All on 6 and All on 8 Dental Implants:

All-On-4, All-On-6, and All-On-8 are titles of three dental implant options, each of which serve to completely reconstruct a patient’s smile. You may be wondering what the differences are among these three options, so we’ll help make that clear.
The “4, 6, and 8” represent the number of implants that will be inserted into the jawbone. How do we determine which option is right for you? We use cutting-edge technology to gather the most precise and accurate reading of your specific bone structure. The quality, volume, and quantity of your bone is determined through our 3-D imaging, and thoroughly studied by our doctors.
Patient’s often wonder the All-On-Four is a better procedure than the All-On-6 or All-On-8. The answer is No.
There is no better procedure than another; we are just cautious in assigning you the correct procedure according to what your 3-D image presents.
To further explain, we are more apt to advise an All-On-8 for a patient with a narrower, less sustainable jawbone. Why? Because as you may have gathered, an increased number of implants means an increased amount of stability. When a healthy, substantial jawbone is present, an All-On-4 is most often the prescribed procedure.

Are you wondering what a good candidate for an All-On-4, All-On-6, or All-On-8 procedure looks like? Typically, patients who present a significant amount of tooth loss or decay are considered to be ideal All-On-4, 6, or 8 candidates. In addition, any patients who suffers from Periodontal Disease and/or other forms of gum disease are likely to be considered for this procedure.
What’s The Dental Implant Procedure Like?
Getting implants for the first time can cause apprehension. One major cause of that fear is not knowing in depth about the procedure and uncertainty, so here is the step-by-step process for getting an All-On-4 dental implant.
We first ensure that you are comfortable and begin with giving anesthetics, so either local or general anesthesia (in case of hospital admission) will be administered.
Your mouth is then prepared for the implants, which involves removing your remaining teeth that are failing. Any diseased or infected tissue from your jaw and gums is also removed.
Next, we will begin the implantation process. This means the titanium fixtures are inserted into your jawbone. Most likely, two implants are placed toward the front of your mouth and two towards the back of your mouth so the “anchors” can evenly bare the force of the denture.
After the implants have been placed, the surgical sites are thoroughly cleaned, and all incisions are sutured.
Dental Implants Recovery Time
The recovery time after getting dental implants can range from 3 to 5 months. That is because, the implants take time to integrate with bone and become firm to provide support to the fixed dental appliance. After this this duration, fixed prosthesis are delivered.
Here’s what you can expect the recovery to look like starting the day of the procedure.
First Day Recovery
During the first hour after your recovery or until you stop bleeding, you will have gauze packs placed over the areas of surgery — you should gently bite down on these to keep them in place. After the first hour, you may be asked to remove the gauze.
When you go home from surgery, make sure you don’t do anything that would disturb the tender areas. Do not rinse or touch the surgical areas, except for gentle brushing with a soft toothbrush. And obviously, smoking afterwards (or in general) is a very bad idea if you want the surgical spots to heal well.
Although you should be extra gentle, it’s also important to keep your mouth as clean as possible. Your doctor will likely prescribe a medicated rinse to keep the bacterial load down in your mouth and help promote healing.
Twenty-four hours after surgery, if there’s minimal bleeding, you can gently rinse your mouth with saltwater. Just mix one tablespoon of salt with about eight ounces of water and rinse gently, allowing the water to drip from your mouth into the sink. You can do this 2-3 times per day.
The Days Following Surgery
In the time following the procedure, the main activities you’ll be doing should involve resting on a couch or bed. Things you shouldn’t be doing include bending over, lifting heavy objects, or any strenuous activities as it could lead to more bleeding and swelling.
Also, when transitioning from a lying down position to standing, it’s best to do so slowly. Otherwise, you could get lightheaded. If you normally exercise, you’ll need to avoid it for 3-4 days after surgery.
The most important things to remember during recovery are rest, pain management, and eating soft foods which are at room temperature.
Don’t hesitate any longer. We are well-versed in implant dentistry and we are confident that you will leave here wondering why you didn’t come in sooner!
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